How to... build 'Elite:The New Kind' from scratch
(Windows 98 tested)
Hi, I wanted to compile Christian Pinder's wonderful version
of Elite, and realised that I knew nothing about C or windows, as I'm a java programmer by trade.
So what we have here is an idiot's guide to building the newkind.exe from the sources.
1.Install unzipper
- install the unzipper powarc70208.exe, this can handle zip, tar.gz and .bz2 archives.
2.Install C Compiler
- (Note: with this and subsequent unzips, I'm assuming you include unzipping folder structure)
- unzip MinGW-1.1.tar.gz to c:\mingw32
- unzip to c:\mingw32 (saying 'yes' to replace)
- unzip to c:\mingw32\bin
- unzip to c:\mingw32
- unzip fileutils316-ming.tar.bz2 to c:\mingw32
- Add the following lines to the end of your 'c:\autoexec.bat', or environment variables in NT/2000/XP
set MINGDIR=c:\mingw32
set UPX_BIN=%MINGDIR%\bin\upx.exe
set PATH=c:\mingw32\bin;%PATH%
- reboot (only if you altered autoexec.bat)
3.Compile and Install Graphics API
- unzip to c:\
- in a dos box type the following
cd c:\allegro
fix.bat mingw32
- sit back and make a really hot cup of tea, spend some quality time with the family, whilst you wait for the graphics API to be built from sources. (about 10mins)
- in the same dos box type the following
make compress
- this will also take a while, it is compressing all the compiled exe's down, to save you room. The demo exe's are worth playing with if you have time.
- in the same dos box type the following
make install
- this will install your compiled allegro binaries to MinGW directories, ready for use.
4.Compile Elite:The New Kind
- unzip and to c:\projects\newkind
- in the same dos box type the following
cd c:\projects\newkind
del newkind.exe
- You should now have a newkind.exe, which you can play with to your hearts content. Try fiddling with some of the source, and see your changes to the Elite universe...
Elite:The New Kind was the hard work of Christian Pinder
Elite was originally written by Ian Bell
& David Braben and published by Acornsoft.
These build instructions by Jeremy Rayner who is trying to port the C code to Java at